Sicily outside opening hours

38° 10′ 54.3252” N 12° 43′ 59.4336” E
March 28, 2018
After four hour of sailing from Trapani, we decide to seek port in San Vito Lo Capo on Sicily’s northwestern tip. It has been raining a little all morning, the wind is modest but the waves are pretty tall. We have all of the Mediterranean for ourselves. Italians do not do pleasure sailing at the end of March, so we meet no other sailors.
San Vito Lo Capo is set in a beautiful bay, that is known for its clear azure green water, one of the finest beaches of Sicily, and for good hiking and climbing opportunities in the mountains. A real holiday resort. And because of the season, the city is almost as desolate as the ocean. Shops are still closed for the winter, small hotels are getting ready for spring, and at the few open cafes local men are playing cards. During our hike through the city we meet in total six tourists.
Facts: Out of season we pay 20 Euro for a berth in the harbor.