The wind howls. The rain splashes. We take an extra day at Helgoland

54° 10′ 33.3510” N 7° 53′ 38.1156” E
July 12, 2012
The wind howls. The rain splashes. The wind direction is counter to the direction we intend to go. We decide to spend the day on Helgoland.
In a gap between two rain-bursts we head to wander around the island. Interesting trip. Along the way, posters explain about the island’s history. Dramatic fighting between England and Germany on the ownership of the island. We also see gulls, guillemots and a lot of other birds, who lie windswept on shelves in the rocks.
Everything is, understood, in the German manner. Paths, paved with fences on both sides and especially landscaped vantage points. Not like in Anholt in Denmark with complete freedom to move anywhere you please.
But it’s still OK. Informative. Beautifull. Wind-blown. Very different.