Wifi? Come on, we really do not have use for that sort of thing

45° 44′ 33.6516” N 4° 48′ 56.1816” E
July 20, 2015
We sail to Lyon. Starting at 6:00 we are having an enchanting morning. Anglers are everywhere. We also see the herons, swans, storks and the fascinating birds of prey, as they teach their young to fly. The mountains are higher, we encounter more commercial barges, more industry and also more recreational craft as we approach Lyon.
The entrance is beautiful. Not like Paris. Grandiose but in a different way, more natural, original architecture, simple bridges. Nice town. We put Ronja in the new marina in the Confluence district and spend the day sightseeing.
The heat wave is back, so we keep to the shady side of the streets and drink water and Cola in the cafes.
French has an amazing ease with Wi-Fi. We see this again in Lyon. At the harbour office we are informed about the port Wi-Fi with corresponding password. But it works only if you are sitting right next to the port captain’s door, not in our boat. We are told that we can also use the nearby shopping centres Wi-Fi. This works in practice only, when sitting in the centre of the mall. If you chase Wi-Fi in the cafes, you understand that it is something they are ok without (implying that they do not see the slightest reason to have it). When you occasionally find a cafe with a hotspot, the waiter will throw up his arms and tell you, that the Internet is broken at the moment. Even in one of France’s major cities it can be a challenge to get online.
Log book: Today’s distance: 80 km. Sailed time 6:00 to 14:00 = 8 hours. Locks: 2. Weather: Changes morning after morning. But soon the sun takes over and we get back temperatures around 30 degrees.