In Greece you are very serious on Covid-19

37° 29′ 50.3988” N 23° 27′ 29.322” E
September 8, 2020
We sail back to Poros, as it turns out that our consumer batteries are still not quite ok. A battery is replaced by our regular mechanic / electrician / specialist. It helps.
We spend a few days enjoying the excellent beaches of Poros and studying the city life of Poros town. It is interesting to see how consistently the Greeks handle the corona situation. In each of the city’s 65 cafés, staff wear facemasks and hand alcohol on the tables. If you walk into a store, you will be asked to put on a facemask, and on the beach you will be warned not to move your sunbed closer to your spouse. “One meters distance. Basta. ” But actually we do understand it. Nearly 20 percent of Greeks work in the tourism industry. A total shutdown will really hurt.
In the harbor we meet a Canadian couple who have been in self-selected corona quarantine on their sailboat for half a year. Food, drink and medicine are brought to the boat. The couple themselves spend time to feed the city’s cats and chase away other sailors, who are trying to berth their boats too close to their self-proclaimed quarantine station. They will continue to Tunisia, Gran Canaria and then across the Atlantic in November. “We’re leaving tomorrow,” they tell us every day throughout the week. When we ourselves leave Poros, they are still there.
We make an arrangement with our friend in Vikos Marineshop, that he will look after Ronja, while we are at home in Denmark for the next 10 days.
Lene Nygaard
Sunday September 20th, 2020Tak for dejlige beretninger. Jeg får virkelig rigtig, rigtig meget lyst til igen at sejle i det græske ø-hav, når jeg læser jeres historier. Og genkender jo med stor indlevelse jeres problemer med motor, batterier, toilet – og al det, der bare skal fungere – og som er mast sammen på meget lille plads i en båd. Jeg glæder mig til de næste kapitler ⛵️🌞😎
Kirsten Folkersen
Monday September 21st, 2020Kære Lene
Tak for kommentar. Nu glæder vi os også bare til at sejle videre. Det gør vi fra på lørdag.
Lene Nygaard
Monday September 21st, 2020Rigtig god tur ⛵️🌞😎