Happiness is to moor in the middle of nowhere

37° 19′ 39.1500” N 23° 9′ 5.4480” E
5th october
Can you get tired of going to a restaurant? Yes, indeed. Some of our best meals are those that we get mooring in the middle of nature, close to scenic banks, far from the city lights and the traditional but also in the long run trivial Greek cuisine.
Right now we are mooring in a small bay off Porto Kheli. Our closest neighbors are two or three herons that have annexed a small island south of our anchorage. Otherwise there is no life as far as the eye can see. Only nature. Secret beaches and wooded hills. We swim out and see if our anchor has stuck properly. We enjoy the sunset and prepare a simple but tasty meal.
We had actually turned our bow to Porto Kheli, which is also part of the marketing package “The Greek Riviera”. But here they are even further from living up to that status. It is a Riviera under construction. A large marina has been built, but a guard sends us away. “This is private property”. Back is a city quay. It’s not inviting.
So back to nature, the swims and the simple meals. We chose one place. But there are plenty of opportunities in the area.
We would like to moor this way a lot more, but when we have been hoding back a bit, it is because we still do not have full confidence in Ronja’s energy supply after the 14 months of shutdown alone on land. The fridge puts out occasionally. The battery level drops, we feel insecure, whether the anchor winch and starter motor will obey. We must have seen it all through when Ronja is going ashore for the winter in Almira Shipyard, a little north of Corinth.