On the outskirts of a tourist Mecca

36° 51′ 17.766” N 28° 16′ 15.1608” E
We have set our course towards Marmaris, because after lying at anchor we need to have our anchor winch repaired, as it again and again causes troubles. But also, to experience a big city where Danish tourists some years ago filled a lot, but where the Turks today refer to Danes as a people who increasingly have been avoiding Turkey.
We find a berth in a large marina eight kilometers before Marmaris and it turns out to be a wise decision. Marmaris itself is an intense tourist mecca with a huge bazaar and kilometer after kilometer of quay with restaurants and tour boats.
The city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1958, so there are not many historic buildings. But for a sailor, Marmaris is an eldorado where you can buy whatever your heart desires for your boat. The city has a whole neighborhood of shops that only deal with boat equipment.