Elderly lady with starting problems

37° 29′ 50.3988” N 23° 27′ 29.322” E
We sail south to the island of Poros and find a place alongside right in the center of town. Poros is a lively city, a mecca for sailors, beautifully situated in a narrow strait between Poros and the Peloponnese.
And now the hassle begins. It turns out that fourteen months without care leaves its marks on a boat. It takes time to get Ronja up to speed. She is after all an elderly lady, and she has problems with starting, problems with the toilet problems and problems with the battery.
Fortunately, Poros has two excellent marine stores. One sends us a plumber to repair the toilet. The other sends us a mechanic to check the motor and later an electrician (who turns out to be identical with the mechanic) to fix our battery system.