Wonderfull to be surprised by the unexpected. Loano is magnificent

44° 7′ 58.8792” N 8° 16′ 1.7724” E
September 25, 2016
We set sails for Finale Liguria. Our british friends, Derek and Claire, have researched on the internet, and they concluded, that in Finale Liguria you can get a mooring for “just” 48 € a night. After having fought for hours directly against wind of 11 meters per second, we find this too tiresome and hard. We decide to look for an earlier port.
At first we call the city Alissia on VHF channel 9. But they are having a regatta – the harbour is crammed. Instead, we choose the next port, which is the city of Loano, which we know absolutely nothing about. It is hardly mentioned in our guide books.
Loano is an enchanting acquaintance. It is a popular city. Full of life. Obviously this is, where the Italians themselves go for beach holidays, there is a party going on in the city from early morning with playgrounds, marketplaces, cafes and scores of private beaches.
The port is newly built. Large landscaped. Nice thought. Visionary. The middle part of the port is built in a a maritime style – like a giant ship – with port offices, restaurants, toilets, shops and business offices. Talking of toilets, we have never met toilet-facilities at the same level of Loanos – private shower-rooms each with a sink, a toilet and a bidet. First class. Absolutely.
Not all offices and shops have been rented. There is still some way to go, before the harbour fulfills its ambitions, and it may be the explanation for the prices, we are faced with for staying overnight in Loano. An berth costs 52 € for a night. “Hey”, we say. It’s cheaper than in Sanremo. But then they throw in the joker: You can get three nights for two night price.
Hallo! Three nights for € 104. It is 34.5 € per night. We are back at french prices!
Loano is a city without a single spectacular sights, but the city is a charming attraction in itself It gives us an insight into the way regular Italian lives, relax and have their holidays. And we experience how a city works, when it is not yet – as French and Danish cities – have been taken over by large retail chains.
The shopping structure is very much like in Denmark som decades ago, based on small specialist shops. The butcher also sells water and wine. The shop with fresh pasta also sells prepared meals. The bar sells wine out of the house. And the baker deliver pizzas and foccacie sandwiches.
It is a zig-zag running among the shops, it take hours to shop for a meal. Skippers wife think it is charming and incredibly great.

Beaches are good and private. Off season prices in september are 12 € for two sunbeds

Marina of Loano. Great architecture. Excellent harbour

Loano is a very lively city with music and parades

Loano is kilometers of sandy beaches
Monday October 3rd, 2016Ja, det ser virkelig italiensk ud på den sanselige måde.
Jeg hæfter mig især ved billedet agten for tværs om styrbord, hvor optoget ledes af en et-benet tambourmajor, som anvender sin fløjte som taktstav. Det er imponerende i sig selv at kunne gå i takt med et enkelt ben, og meget kreativt i mangel af bedre, at anvende fløjten som retnings- og taktstav.
Kirsten Folkersen
Tuesday October 4th, 2016Tak for response. Du udtrykker det meget præcist: Italiensk på den sanselige måde. Et ben eller ej 🙂