Chalon-sur-Saone – young and lively city

46° 46′ 37.794” N 4° 51′ 37.0872” E
July 18, 2015
Rain? Yes, it’s raining! Not much. But still. Per goes to the bakery, sliding on the unfamiliar rain-soaked rocks and after having brought home a baguette and two croissants he i repaired on his knee and hand chlorhexidine and patch. Later it turns out that the worst injury is a sprained foot.
Despite the obstacles we start early from St. Jean de Losne, get a terrific morning on the river with lots of anglers along the banks and in small boats. Several people catch fish, just as we sail past. Some anglers are very friendly, they wave and yell bonjour, but the other lets us with their body language understand, that we should not even sail in their fish river.
It goes fast now. 70 km in around six hours. Just over lunch we arrive at Chalon-sur-Saone, a relatively large, young and lively city, that we have heard many good things about. Kirsten confirms after a tour of the city that it is just the city, we have been longing for. Beautiful buildings and squares. Charming neighbourhoods with restaurants. Here is life. Here is beauty.
Per was sitting at home in the cabin, groaning under the now 35 degrees and foot wrapped with an ice pack to soothe pain in the sprained foot. Kirsten has taken pictures in the town to document the beautiful city, he will not discover himself.
Log book: Today’s distance: 70 km. Sailed time 7:30 to 14:00 = 6 1/2 hours. Locks: 2. Weather: Magnificent morning. Overcast. But later the sun breaks out, and we are quickly back to 35 degrees.